Lila – The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown

Orphaned when the Freedom Fighters killed her parents in an attack on Mali’s allies, Lila had grown up in the heart of Mali’s castle, raised under his guiding hand. From a young age, her anger raged hot, and over the years it twisted into hatred as she trained to serve alongside Mali as her father,... Continue Reading →

Meet James – The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown

Born a Freedom Fighter, James’s heart longs for rebellion and adventure. To the dismay of his parents and teachers, he rebels against any authority that dares check his reigns, but his skill with a blade makes them look the other way. They know his heart is for freedom, and he won’t stop fighting until Larcon... Continue Reading →

TFFMC Excerpt

What a perfect day to commit treason against an evil king. The breeze blows lightly by, rustling my hair, and the sun shines on us with hopeful beams, which I take to be a blessing. No one will ever see this coming. James - The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown The Freedom Fighters and... Continue Reading →

Welcome To Larcon – The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown

Larcon, a small kingdom along the lower reaches of the world of Nivera, is home to the Freedom Fighters and is the main setting of The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown. Full of rolling hills and dense forests, with magic lurking in the forgotten corners of the land, Larcon is both dangerous and beautiful. ... Continue Reading →

From Then Til Now – Announcement + Blog Post

I started my writing journey almost exactly six years ago (can’t remember the exact date but it was early august), and did so almost entirely by accident. Sure, I’d always been a bit of a writer. I wrote (bad) poems and bits and pieces of stories, even back before I could actually write. I even... Continue Reading →

What Style Is Best? Finding The One That Fits Your Story

When you come of with a story idea, there's always that moment when you go, wait, how am I going to tell this story? Maybe you have a plot, or characters, but so far you've just been envisioning it as a movie in your mind, and are uncertain of how it should all go down... Continue Reading →

World Building: An Overview

It has been a while since I posted anything, and that's because I've been working on the last novel in my trilogy! I finished it, finally, just the other day, and gave the trilogy a satisfying end, I believe, as well as a good set up for future spin offs. And while I will be... Continue Reading →

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