Outlining: Why, How, and My Method

There are three different types of writers, the plotters, the plansters, and the pantsers. Each one writes theirs stories in a different way. Plotters plot out their story before they start writing, so they have a clear path they can take when working through their novel. Pantsers have no plan, they write by the seat... Continue Reading →

My Drafting Process: How I Write

I've been writing for over three years now, novel writing that is, and I've learned a thing or two about what works for me, and what I really shouldn't try to do. So today, I'll be going over my drafting process! How I go from inkling to full blown, publishing quality work.Related: Six Mistakes I... Continue Reading →

Character Hooks – How To And Why You Need A Great One

At first glance, writing a great character intro may not seem like the most important thing, not when there are so many other things you could be focusing on, but really, it is. A good character intro is so important, it can directly affect the success of your story, or how memorable it is. You... Continue Reading →

Generating Story Ideas

I have far more story ideas than I know what to do with, and it took me a while to realize not every person is like this. So what do I do to constantly be coming up with and developing new ideas for books, series, screenplays, and short stories? 1: I'm Always Looking I go... Continue Reading →

What Style Is Best? Finding The One That Fits Your Story

When you come of with a story idea, there's always that moment when you go, wait, how am I going to tell this story? Maybe you have a plot, or characters, but so far you've just been envisioning it as a movie in your mind, and are uncertain of how it should all go down... Continue Reading →

How To Keep Your Stories From Blending Together

We are writers. We have ideas constantly running through our minds, ideas begging to be written down on paper, or typed into an empty word document. And if you're like me, you'll have a dozen different stories going at one time, some first drafts, some second drafts, and some third drafts.But what do you do... Continue Reading →

How To Get Faster At Writing

For a while now, I've been working on getting faster at writing, and I've drastically improved. I've gone from struggling to write 500 words an hour, to being able to write 1000 words in half and hour, all in the matter of a few months. How did I get faster at writing? Well, there are... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About Style

Recently, ever since getting back the first round of edits on The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown, I've been thinking about STYLE. About how you should use it, (should you use it?) and all that jazz. And so, after a few days of thinking, and arguing with my family (well, venting), and a talk with... Continue Reading →

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