Stop Coloring Inside The Lines

Stop coloring inside the lines. Why do you do it? Who told you to? Is there a reason you have to? The only reason you do is because society told you to. Why? So you can make something just the same as everyone else. They tell you you're doing it wrong, if you're not doing... Continue Reading →

Make Me Care – Crafting A Story Where Reader’s Care

A story isn't good if the reader can't relate to the characters and isn't given a reason to care. No matter how good your plot, no matter how amazing your world, the reader will not care if you don't give them a reason to love your characters.There are really two steps to this, and you... Continue Reading →

Stop Trying To Be Good

This might seem counter intuitive, because as writers we are always trying to make our work the best it can be, but stop trying to be good! It won't make your writing any better! It won't make anything better, for that matter. Why? Because when you put yourself within the constraints that your writing has... Continue Reading →

Are You Ready For NaNoWriMo?

As NaNo draws near, it's really only a week away, I know I'm asking the question: Am I ready for NaNo? And maybe you are asking this question too, because, are you ready? You don't want to jump into NaNo unprepared, you want to be ready to write 50,000 words in the month of November.... Continue Reading →

Broken World

The world is broken. It wasn't always. Once, the world was a vibrant colorful place. But that was long before I was born. I wish the war had never started. I wish the fighting would finally end. People fight over nothing. They know nothing of love. Children are killed without thought. Why does it have... Continue Reading →

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