My Outlining Process – Writing Advice

One of my favorite parts of the writing process is outlining, and my method has developed a lot over the years. I've pretty much eliminated writer's block from my life through my multilayered outlining process. (I like to do this all in one or two sittings so I don't lose the story concept.) Step One:... Continue Reading →

Story Basics: Plot

I think it's important for everyone to at least know a few basics about their plot before they start writing. It greatly helps the writing process and how your writing flows, particularly in drafting but also in editing. One very important thing to know from the start is your genre! Each genre has its own... Continue Reading →

How To Write A Clean First Draft

I've been writing seriously for over four years now, and I've written nearly seven firsts drafts at this point. I've gotten my system down, and I've learned how to write clean first drafts that speed up my writing process as a whole because editing doesn't take quite as long. What a clean first draft does... Continue Reading →


Today is the first day of October, and for those of us who are doing NaNoWriMo, that means the start of Preptober! You may be wondering what Preptober is, because you've never heard of it before. I hadn't heard of it until last year either. Preptober is the month before NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month,... Continue Reading →

Outlining: Why, How, and My Method

There are three different types of writers, the plotters, the plansters, and the pantsers. Each one writes theirs stories in a different way. Plotters plot out their story before they start writing, so they have a clear path they can take when working through their novel. Pantsers have no plan, they write by the seat... Continue Reading →

Burnout VS. Writer’s Block

Writers block and creative burnout are two entirely different things, although they often both have the same effect on you, or so you think. They keep you from writing. And you want to be writing. But because they are two different things, they require different solutions. Writer's Block Writer's block is generally defined as being... Continue Reading →

My Drafting Process: How I Write

I've been writing for over three years now, novel writing that is, and I've learned a thing or two about what works for me, and what I really shouldn't try to do. So today, I'll be going over my drafting process! How I go from inkling to full blown, publishing quality work.Related: Six Mistakes I... Continue Reading →

Generating Story Ideas

I have far more story ideas than I know what to do with, and it took me a while to realize not every person is like this. So what do I do to constantly be coming up with and developing new ideas for books, series, screenplays, and short stories? 1: I'm Always Looking I go... Continue Reading →

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