How To Get Yourself Writing Again

The last couple days (weeks) I've struggled with writing, or at least writing more than just a few words. I've been stuck on a scene for little reason, but today's post isn't about being stuck. (If you want a post on that, I've posted about writer's block and burnout here.)Today I'm talking about how to... Continue Reading →

Don’t Hate Your Writing

I know it sounds weird at first, but listen to me. Don't hate your writing. Maybe it's a strange idea, I don't know. Maybe you don't hate your writing, at least you don't think you do. But I know I have a tendency to dislike my writing at the least, and most often I don't... Continue Reading →

Daily Life, Social Class and Beliefs

Welcome day four of NaNoWriMo! I hope the weekend served you well with your writing goals! Today I'm getting started a bit earlier than normal, because I have a lot to do today and I don't want to fall behind with my goals. I have a good streak going here, and I want to keep... Continue Reading →

Climate and Geography

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo, and with it, the first post in what I'm calling my NaNo Experiment, where I try to post something on my blog each day. That project will be made a little bit easier because I'm posting about world building, and world building is one of my favorite topics.... Continue Reading →

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