Daily Life, Social Class and Beliefs

Welcome day four of NaNoWriMo! I hope the weekend served you well with your writing goals! Today I'm getting started a bit earlier than normal, because I have a lot to do today and I don't want to fall behind with my goals. I have a good streak going here, and I want to keep... Continue Reading →

People And Culture

As much as I struggled to write yesterday's post, I'm super exited to write today's! I love writing about different peoples and cultures, especially ones of my own creation! I put a lot of time into developing races and species for my fictional worlds, and giving them a believable culture. It can be hard to... Continue Reading →

Nations and Government

Hello day two of my NaNo Experiment! And day two of NaNoWriMo! I'm really pumped to keep writing this world building series, so I'm going to jump right into it! Nations divide the world and make it into what it is, government keeps the world running smoothly (or so the attempt it). They turn the... Continue Reading →

Climate and Geography

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo, and with it, the first post in what I'm calling my NaNo Experiment, where I try to post something on my blog each day. That project will be made a little bit easier because I'm posting about world building, and world building is one of my favorite topics.... Continue Reading →

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