Lila – The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown

Orphaned when the Freedom Fighters killed her parents in an attack on Mali’s allies, Lila had grown up in the heart of Mali’s castle, raised under his guiding hand. From a young age, her anger raged hot, and over the years it twisted into hatred as she trained to serve alongside Mali as her father,... Continue Reading →

TFFMC Excerpt

What a perfect day to commit treason against an evil king. The breeze blows lightly by, rustling my hair, and the sun shines on us with hopeful beams, which I take to be a blessing. No one will ever see this coming. James - The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown The Freedom Fighters and... Continue Reading →

Welcome To Larcon – The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown

Larcon, a small kingdom along the lower reaches of the world of Nivera, is home to the Freedom Fighters and is the main setting of The Freedom Fighters and the Magic Crown. Full of rolling hills and dense forests, with magic lurking in the forgotten corners of the land, Larcon is both dangerous and beautiful. ... Continue Reading →

Staying Focused On Writing

With most of the world in quarantine right now, we have a lot of time for writing. But also, it's hard to be focused and stay focused on writing. I know I struggle with it, and these are my top tips for staying focused and getting writing done. First off, set aside time to write... Continue Reading →

Cactus Girl

Cactus girl Born to be alone Untouchable to all Spines poking through her skin Cutting any who come close   Cactus girl So lonely Wanting nothing but to be loved An unattainable dream Destined to die alone   Cactus girl Ruined by her own being Her spines a protection and a curse Untouchable Unlovable  ... Continue Reading →

Outlining: Why, How, and My Method

There are three different types of writers, the plotters, the plansters, and the pantsers. Each one writes theirs stories in a different way. Plotters plot out their story before they start writing, so they have a clear path they can take when working through their novel. Pantsers have no plan, they write by the seat... Continue Reading →


Through hardship, stand strong With mercy, be bold Your damage is not shameful You are not broken, merely bruised Keep your head high Your voice strong Your smile wide And above all, be kind

Trusting Your Creative Muse And When To Get Feedback

I see it all the time. People thinking their pacing is too fast, or too slow, but not trusting themselves on this feeling. Or asking other what they should do with a character because they want to do this one thing but they're not sure if it's the right move. But here's the thing. It's... Continue Reading →

My Drafting Process: How I Write

I've been writing for over three years now, novel writing that is, and I've learned a thing or two about what works for me, and what I really shouldn't try to do. So today, I'll be going over my drafting process! How I go from inkling to full blown, publishing quality work.Related: Six Mistakes I... Continue Reading →

The Ocean Is Calling

The ocean was calling, and I listened. I followed the music of it's waves down to the edge of the water, the pull of the tide pulling me farther in. I walked into the waves, following the oceans pressing call. Something was waiting there for me, and it wanted me to come. The call was... Continue Reading →

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