Stop Coloring Inside The Lines

Stop coloring inside the lines. Why do you do it? Who told you to? Is there a reason you have to? The only reason you do is because society told you to. Why? So you can make something just the same as everyone else. They tell you you're doing it wrong, if you're not doing... Continue Reading →

Life, Loss, And Adventure

Life is sad. Full of ups and downs and hard times, and plenty of loss. That's the reality of it. Life is also full of adventure. Of opportunities and open doors, even if you don't know where they lead. Life is hectic and beautiful and sad. Nobody can help it. Sometimes things happen at the... Continue Reading →

Strong Female Character: What They Are, And How To Write Them

Today, I will be talking about something that is a major topic, not just in the writing community, but all around. And that is strong female characters. What Is A Strong Female Character? A strong female character, to put it simply, is a three dimensional character who is female. This character is more than just... Continue Reading →

What Is Stopping You?

2018 is coming to a close, and people are beginning to think about 2019. What they want to change in the coming year, what they want to do, how they want to change. Everybody has these big, grand goals for the new year, most of which don't last two weeks. That's what happens every year,... Continue Reading →

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