Worldbuilding: All About Perspective – A The Way Of Kings Story Study

Everyone sees the world in a different way. This should be visible in your worldbuilding, otherwise, it will sound like reading out of a textbook, and that’s the last thing you want. In The Way of Kings (and Mistborn as well), Brandon Sanderson masters the art of perspective-based worldbuilding. (I could go on and on... Continue Reading →

People And Culture

As much as I struggled to write yesterday's post, I'm super exited to write today's! I love writing about different peoples and cultures, especially ones of my own creation! I put a lot of time into developing races and species for my fictional worlds, and giving them a believable culture. It can be hard to... Continue Reading →

Nations and Government

Hello day two of my NaNo Experiment! And day two of NaNoWriMo! I'm really pumped to keep writing this world building series, so I'm going to jump right into it! Nations divide the world and make it into what it is, government keeps the world running smoothly (or so the attempt it). They turn the... Continue Reading →

Climate and Geography

Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo, and with it, the first post in what I'm calling my NaNo Experiment, where I try to post something on my blog each day. That project will be made a little bit easier because I'm posting about world building, and world building is one of my favorite topics.... Continue Reading →

World Building: An Overview

It has been a while since I posted anything, and that's because I've been working on the last novel in my trilogy! I finished it, finally, just the other day, and gave the trilogy a satisfying end, I believe, as well as a good set up for future spin offs. And while I will be... Continue Reading →

Building Your World: Peoples and Species

Over the last couple days I've covered different aspects of worldbuilding, including the basics, plants and animals, and magic. Now it's time to add people to your world. Common Or Original? Are you going to go with more traditional species, such as humans, dwarves and elves, or are you going to create your own unique... Continue Reading →

Building Your World: Magic

A lot of fantasy worlds are built around magic, so today's post will focus mainly on the fantasy genre, despite the fact that the whole goal is to learn to build a world in any genre. Previously, I posted about the basics of worldbuilding, and building the ecosystem of your world, so if you missed those,... Continue Reading →

Building Your World: Plants And Wildlife

In my last post,  Building Your World: The Basics, I covered a few basic things you need to know to start worldbuilding. In this post, I will be covering the next step in worldbuilding: creating your ecosystem! Geography Plan out the geography of your world before you go any farther. It's very important to know... Continue Reading →

Building Your World: The Basics

World building is possibly the second most important thing you will learn to do as an author, besides learning to plot. It makes your world feel real, and even helps when crafting characters. Also, it's lots of fun. So over the next couple posts I will be covering key points in crafting your world. But today,... Continue Reading →

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