From Then Til Now – Announcement + Blog Post

I started my writing journey almost exactly six years ago (can’t remember the exact date but it was early august), and did so almost entirely by accident. Sure, I’d always been a bit of a writer. I wrote (bad) poems and bits and pieces of stories, even back before I could actually write. I even... Continue Reading →

It’s Okay To NOT Write

This is another dear writer letter, aimed not at helping writer's improve their craft, but at helping writers stay healthy. Sometimes, we, as writers, feel that we need to be writing all the time. We feel that we should be writing, editing, or plotting at all times, because we're writers, so every waking moment needs... Continue Reading →

Find Time To Write

Finding time to write is something I struggle with. Between work, school, trying to keep this blog up and going, and my small social life, it's hard to find time to write (and edit) like I want and need. If I had my way, I'd work on my novels and blog all day. I would... Continue Reading →

Dear Writers, You’re Gonna Suck Sometimes

Dear writers, you're gonna suck sometimes. That's okay. Let me start from the beginning. Us writers, we're always growing. When we start out as little baby writers, we're not that good! That's natural. We grow. We are always growing, or at least we should be. We'll always be getting better. We'll always be improving. At... Continue Reading →

How To Get Yourself Writing Again

The last couple days (weeks) I've struggled with writing, or at least writing more than just a few words. I've been stuck on a scene for little reason, but today's post isn't about being stuck. (If you want a post on that, I've posted about writer's block and burnout here.)Today I'm talking about how to... Continue Reading →

Don’t Hate Your Writing

I know it sounds weird at first, but listen to me. Don't hate your writing. Maybe it's a strange idea, I don't know. Maybe you don't hate your writing, at least you don't think you do. But I know I have a tendency to dislike my writing at the least, and most often I don't... Continue Reading →

The Reason I’m Not Doing NaNoWriMo

Like many writers, I started out this month with the intention of writing 50 thousand words in thirty days, or 1,667 words a day. However, I was starting already not doing what I wanted. I wanted to be doing the traditional NaNoWriMo, where you write an entire novel, only I was already in the middle... Continue Reading →

The Why

Before I go back to writing my world building series, I wanted to write this post because I think it's really important. Because sometimes, especially during times like NaNoWriMo when everyone is writing so much and trying to write 50k in a month, it can be really easy to get discouraged or disheartened and stop... Continue Reading →

Technology and Development

When I first planned this post, I planned on just calling it technology, but I realized there is a lot more to this topic than that, so today I'll be talking about technology and development, or advancements. Technology! Such a huge topic. There is a lot under it, especially depending on the type of world... Continue Reading →

Daily Life, Social Class and Beliefs

Welcome day four of NaNoWriMo! I hope the weekend served you well with your writing goals! Today I'm getting started a bit earlier than normal, because I have a lot to do today and I don't want to fall behind with my goals. I have a good streak going here, and I want to keep... Continue Reading →

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